AFFI Day At The State Fair
Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois
Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, is AFFI Day at the Illinois State Fair. Would you please ask your membership if they would like to help?
Historically the Illinois Fire Services Association (IFSA) has operated a tent for children and adults to preview fire safety information and participate in various fire safety-related games. The AFFI is one of twelve organizations that make up the Illinois Fire Services Association.
Each year organizations are assigned one day to operate the fire service tent. August 14th, 2024, will be the AFFI day at the IFSA Tent. The duties include monitoring the fire pole, handing out fire prevention material, showing videos, and public relations. For the process to work smoothly, AFFI members and family members must participate. The tent requires approximately 25 people to operate effectively.
We will need people from 10 am to approximately 5 pm. This event is a great day to bring the family to the Illinois State Fair and represent the AFFI. We would encourage individuals to sign up for a half-day (4 hours) or as long as you are willing to assist. Members will receive free admission to the fair as well as an AFFI shirt.
This event has been an enjoyable and worthwhile endeavor. Please spread the word to all of your members and their families to encourage them to join us.
Please follow the link below to register the members from your Local who will be attending, and please extend to them my Thanks for their willingness to assist with this event.
Your support of this event makes the Fire Service Tent a memory for many children who attend the Illinois State Fair. I look forward to seeing you there.
In Solidarity,
Scott Cavenaile
District Four Vice President
Associated Firefighters of Illinois
(815) 955-2398
927 S. Second Street
Springfield IL 62704
(217) 522-8180
Email: [email protected]