LODD Death of Robert Truevillian
Brothers and Sisters,
With great sadness, I must inform you that Brother Robert Truevillian, Chicago Firefighters Local 2, passed away on December 17, 2020 due to COVID-19. Brother Truevillian, 55, was a 20 year member and Paramedic In Charge assigned to Ambulance 71.
Although this is considered a Line of Duty Death, there is no action required of the AFFI Honor Guard at this time. Due to the global pandemic, arrangements and services are incomplete. According to Chicago Fire Commissioner Richard Ford, CFD will be planning a memorial service in the future and details will be provided then.
Please keep Brother Truevillian, his, family, and Local 2 in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to navigate our way through this unprecedented time.
Jay Coburn, State Commander
Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard
927 S Second
Springfield, IL 62704
(708) 927-6568
[email protected]